What is the meaning of more?
This issue we debut a new image you will see more frequently in the magazine in the future. It symbolizes that the article attached to it has more content online.
Granted, this is not a new concept in publishing. But how we will make finding this extra information easier for you is innovative.
Rather than just saying, “Go online to read more,” each issue we will create a special webpage that will collate all of the extra information from the articles with this symbol into one place. This one article will act like a table of contents to help you easily find these extra online resources.
The image appears several times in this issue. As this is the inaugural issue for this concept, I’ll call brief attention to each of them here. In the future you will be able to see a short list on our new page devoted completely to content posted only online, which you might have missed if you haven’t visited our site recently.
• Video check-off update: Brandon Solano, vice president for Domino’s Pizza, discusses with us the status of the pizza category, where it’s going and some of Domino’s newest products that use more cheese.
• Virtual Farm Tour sneak-peek video: We recently visited with John VerHaar and family to record them in their own words as they explained the circumstances and events of three separate ICE raids that targeted their farm.
• We talked with five different producers who are using activity monitoring systems about their experiences in learning how to make the most of an investment in the technology. Click here to read more about what they have to say.
As you may have noticed, two of the three online-only features are videos. Part of the reason for the creation of this innovative idea was because we are publishing more and more video online, and that content is becoming increasing popular.
It’s hard to feature video very well in print. But we can at least let you know when it is available.
Also, new in this issue is a regular column we’re calling “Meet your dairy consumer.”
As Progressive Dairyman editors, we do quite a bit of travel each year to cover industry events and meet with forward-thinking dairy producers. When we’re sitting next to passengers on a plane, riding with a taxi driver or just waiting in a lobby to catch a connection, we bump into other travelers who are most often dairy consumers.
In my opinion, these folks are about as real and random of a survey group of dairy consumers as can be found. They are on-the-go, middle-class consumers.
This issue features an interview I did with a single, middle-age man. He talks about the dairy products he consumes and his ideas about how they are produced.
We haven’t filtered their responses, nor have we biased our selection methods. These interviews are true on-the-street opinions about the products made from your milk. Click here to read more about this exciting new department and his fondness for dairy products.
This issue is also our official World Ag Expo preview. Leading up to the world’s largest outdoor agriculture exhibition in February, we will feature reasons why dairy producers should be interested in attending.
Enjoy these new features as you start a new year! PD
Walt Cooley
- Editor-in-chief
- Progressive Dairyman
- Email Walt Cooley