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Midwest Dairy Expo deemed a success

December 12, 2011

This year’s Midwest Dairy Expo, held Nov. 29-30 in St. Cloud, Minnesota, was the most successful event since its inception in many ways. First, there was record attendance. Nearly 2,000 people attended the event over the two days. There also was a record 120 plus sponsor/exhibitors.

Thanks to the sponsors, admission to the trade show and educational sessions were free.

The committee did an outstanding job of lining up exceptional speakers. The two keynote speakers, Dr. Jay Lehr and Dr. Mike Hutjens challenged the participants to be prepared for the future. Breakout sessions by Tom Wall helped producers manage employees and helped them think about milking parlor designs. Dr. Ken Nordlund shared information about calf barn ventilation and transition cow housing. Dr. Marin Bozic discussed risk management strategies in volatile markets, as well as the impact dairy exports have on producers milk check. Neil Ihde helped producers understand more about their personality, which helps them interact with others. Dr. Bill Lazarus shared impact analysis of potential new federal dairy policies. And, Mike Knisely helped producers to be better prepared for accidents, as well as gain better understanding of OSHA requirements.

Thanks to the support of the producers and others within the industry, more than $10,000 was raised for scholarships through the raffle and auction.

Enchanted Dairy earns ‘2011 Producers of the Year’
Enchanted Dairy in Little Falls, Minnesota, was named Minnesota’s 2011 Producer of the Year. Each year Minnesota Milk recognizes one outstanding dairy operation as the Producer of the Year for having a proven commitment to the dairy industry, managing its farm for future generations, and for being active in their local community.

“Animal care and comfort is a top priority, so much so that we refer to our cows as our business partners,” says Ron Miller, Enchanted Dairy’s general manager. “All of us strongly believe we’re stewards of our animals and the land we farm.” Enchanted Dairy’s mission statement is “Growing for the Future,” and its leadership team – which includes Ron’s wife Jeannie and daughter Brooke and Ron’s brother Marv – is working to build an efficient, profitable and modern farm through good management and professional dairy practices.
Click here to view a video of Enchanted Dairy. Thanks to Midwest Dairy Association for their support in assembling the video.

Representative Paul Anderson named ‘2011 Legislator of the Year’
State Representative Paul Anderson (R-District 13A: Starbuck, Minnesota) was selected as the 2011 Legislator of the Year by Minnesota Milk Producers Association for demonstrating support to dairy farmers, the dairy industry and rural Minnesota by his actions at the State Capitol.

Representative Anderson is the chief author of the bill to create Minnesota’s Dairy Research, Teaching and Consumer Education Authority. By doing this, he has helped create a stronger base of support for dairy development in Minnesota.

Representative Anderson has also taken a leadership role in efforts to address the timing and the function of the state feedlot permitting process. He, along with others, has helped to provide the foundation for more clarity, consistency and timeliness for environmental compliance, permitting and review.

Dr. James Linn Recipient of Bruce Cottington ‘Friend of Dairy’ award
Minnesota Milk Producers Association recognized Dr. Jim Linn as the 2011 recipient of the Bruce Cottington Friend of Dairy Award. In 2006, Minnesota Milk awarded the first ever Friend of Dairy award to Bruce Cottington. Since then, the name of the award has been changed in honor of Bruce Cottington’s name and legacy, and Linn is the second recipient with this new title.

Linn is a nationally known dairy expert who served as the Head of the Department of Animal Science at the University of Minnesota from June 2007 until his retirement in September 2011. He earned his Ph.D. in dairy cattle nutrition from the University of Minnesota in 1978, and was on the faculty at Iowa State University as extension dairy specialist from 1978 to 1979 before returning to Minnesota as an extension dairy nutritionist with research, teaching and extension responsibilities.

He specialized in dairy cattle nutrition and focused his research on forage quality, calf nutrition, direct fed microbials, feed intake and feed efficiency. He served as faculty supervisor for the animal facilities on the St. Paul Campus, which includes a dairy herd of 140 Holstein cows.

Linn was a member of the 2001 National Research Council (NRC) committee for dairy nutrition that authored the "NRC Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle" and served on the NRC committee that reviewed “Minerals and Toxic Substances in Diets and Water for Animals.” He was named Outstanding Graduate Faculty Member of the Department of Animal Science, and he advised 10 masters and five doctorate students during his tenure at the University of Minnesota.

Linn has authored and co-authored more than 600 publications and popular press articles covering numerous calf, heifer and cow nutrition topics. He has given more than 500 talks on dairy nutrition in Minnesota alone and has been invited to speak at numerous national and international seminars and meetings. PD

—From Minnesota Milk Minute

Owners of Enchanted Dairy in Little Falls, Minnesota, were honored with Minnesota Milk's Producers of the Year award. They are, left to right, Ron Miller, his brother Marv, Ron’s wife Jeannie and daughter Brooke.