Where did my El Lechero go?
Beginning with our most recent edition of El Lechero we have changed our circulation policy, shifting it to being a request-only publication. We feel it is more beneficial to have our magazine reach those that are actively reading this publication and making the most of the materials we present. El Lechero will continue to be provided to you at no cost, if you have requested the magazine. If you were expecting to receive El Lechero and you didn’t, that most likely means that you have not previously requested your own copy of the magazine.
If you haven’t received the most recent edition of the magazine (see the cover image above) by the end of November, please contact us to get back on the mailing list.
Not familiar with El Lechero ?
El Lechero is a bilingual magazine that helps dairymen and their employees work effectively together.
With a current circulation of more than 10,000, El Lechero is sent four times a year upon request to owners, managers and herdsmen on U.S. dairies and to allied industry personnel. The magazine can be distributed as single copies or in multiples of five.
In addition to our print publication, we also have digital edition subscriptions and monthly electronic newsletter subscriptions available.
Why request El Lechero ?
We would rather have El Lechero in your hands and the hands of your employees than sitting on a shelf accumulating dust.
The following questions will help you decide whether you and your dairy team should receive this publication:
• Would you like your employees to have a better understanding of the work they are doing?
• Are you looking for free materials to incorporate into your employee training programs?
• Are you willing to invest some of your time to help your employees become successful on your operation?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, we strongly recommend you subscribe to El Lechero .
We see many operations across the country use this magazine as supplemental training materials for their employees. ( Click here to read Ariel Waldeck's " El Lechero provides a switch in attitude in South Dakota" in the November 16th issue of El Lechero .)
Each issue of El Lechero includes articles that cover different dairy-related topics. We also include illustrated educational posters that will help your employees better comprehend the information being presented.
Subscribe today
Remember, if you do not request El Lechero , you will no longer receive it. There are four ways to subscribe. The quickest and easiest way is by filling out our subscription form online or using the downloaded version below.
If you think your dairy team will benefit from receiving this publication, read How to subscribe below to find the most convenient way for you to subscribe.
We appreciate having you as a reader. Also, we are always open to comments and suggestions. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us at the phone numbers listed below. PD
How to subscribe
Visit www.progressivedairy.com to subscribe to any of our publications.
Via fax or mail
Click here to download the subscription form. Then complete and use the directions provided below to transmit or send the form in.
Fill out the form and fax it to us at (208) 324-1133 .
By mail
Fill out the form and mail it to the following address:
Progressive Publishing
P.O. Box 585
Jerome, ID 83338
By telephone
Give us a call at one of the following numbers to request the publication:
Dario Martinez
El Lechero Editor
Progressive Dairyman Assistant Editor