Ag Proud

Dairy Policy Summit addresses price reform, food safety and immigration

October 31, 2011

The dairy industry’s three big issues – milk pricing, food safety and immigration – will be front and center during the Dairy Policy Summit on Wednesday, Nov. 9, in Madison, Wisconsin. The first session addressing milk price reform will include Dr. Mark Stephenson facilitating an industry panel. The panel includes: Jaime Castaneda, senior vice president, National Milk Producers Federation; Robin Berg, National Dairy Producers Association and president of the Dairy Pricing Association; and Alan Kozak, Dairy Policy Action Committee. Panelists will share their insight and legislation being proposed and how each proposal could affect the dairy business.

Kim Brown Pokorny, executive director of Wisconsin Veterinary Medical Association (WVMA) will facilitate, “Meat Matters...all about dairy beef safety,” that will include Dr. David Rhoda, DVM, and Deborah Cera, Division of Compliance, Center for Veterinary Medicine, Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Rhoda and Cera will update attendees on food safety discussions happening within the food system and share how it impacts on-farm decisions.

Erich Straub, immigration attorney, will moderate a four-member panel that will address “Immigration and the Dairy Industry.” Panelists include Bill Wright, Utah state representative; Everett Williams, president, Georgia Milk Producers; Craig Regelbrugge, co-chair of the Agriculture Coalition for Immigration Reform; and Leon Sequeira, senior counsel for Seyfarth Shaw LLP. This group will talk about changes needed to assure a strong work force and new reform some states have implemented or are in the process of drafting. They will also provide a national view on this crucial issue that affects dairying.

Registration for the one-day event is $40 per person. This covers all sessions and lunch. To learn more about the Dairy Policy Summit or to register, go online or contact PDPW at (800) 947-7379. PD

—From PDPW news release