Extra benefits for attending dairy seminars at World Ag Expo
Come to one of Progressive Dairyman’s seminars at World Ag Expo for a chance to win cash. “Dairymen are really going to enjoy the new technologies that will be discussed in our seminars this year,” Progressive Dairyman Editor Walt Cooley says. “I’m really excited for the discussion about cloud-based herd management on Tuesday’s agenda.”
At six of the seminars, Progressive Dairyman will give away a $50 Visa gift card. (Offer not available for the noon-hour seminars or the 3 p.m. seminar on Wednesday, Feb. 11.) Seminar attendees who enter the prize drawing must be present to win. Drawing entries are available at the door.
Click here to download the seminar schedule. (PDF, 628KB)
“Our seminars will involve multiple presenters and roundtables,” Cooley says. “The conversation and the topics will be lively and diverse. There will be a valuable take-home message from each of them.”
Attendees at all of the seminars will receive a complimentary gift bag at the end of each event.
All seminars will be held in an enclosed, climate-controlled room in the Expo Seminar Center at the intersection of S Street and Expo Lane. The dedicated complex for beef, dairy and forage seminars is just a minute’s walk to the south from the Farm Credit Dairy Center. PD
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