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Weekly Digest: EPA proposes repeal, replacement of Waters of the U.S.

December 12, 2018

Digest Highlights EPA proposes repeal, replacement of Waters of the U.S. Dairy-RP activity nears 4.5 billion pounds of milk Wisconsin to host 18 Dairy-RP, MPP-Dairy informational meetings Canola meal values in dairy ration updated Premier Select Sires merger effective Jan. 1 Official judges selected for 53rd World Dairy Expo

EPA proposes repeal, replacement of Waters of the U.S.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers have begun the process of replacing the Waters of the U.S. A new proposal redefines the jurisdiction of the Clean Water Act more narrowly than when this rule was issued in 2015.

Following publication in the Federal Register, expected in January, the proposal will be subject to a 60-day public comment period.

The head of the National Milk Producers Federation (NMPF) said the proposal is a welcome improvement on the current rule, which he said is too broad and led to unnecessary legal fees, compliance costs and confusion for U.S. dairy producers.

“Dairy farmers have a vested interest in the outcome of this rulemaking and its potential impact on their operations,” said Jim Mulhern, NMPF president and chief executive officer.

Under the new proposal, only major rivers, primary tributaries and wetlands along their banks would fall under the category of “navigable.” The new rule would return more power to states to determine their own laws.

“Our simpler and clearer definition would help landowners understand whether a project on their property will require a federal permit or not, without spending thousands of dollars on engineering and legal professionals,” said EPA Acting Administrator Andrew Wheeler.

NMPF, other trade associations and state governments have repeatedly called on the EPA to rewrite the 2015 regulation. It has also been the subject of lawsuits around the country and was on track to be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court.

“It’s too bad some farmers have already spent millions of dollars fighting the federal government because of the Obama administration rule,” said Laurie Fischer, chief executive officer of the American Dairy Coalition. “Farmers are true environmentalists and want to protect our natural resources for future generations, but when the federal government ignores input from stakeholders during the rule-making process, it clearly displays the intent of the rule was political and not meant to improve the environment.”

EPA will also hold an informational webcast on Jan. 10, 2019, and will host a listening session on the proposed rule in Kansas City, Kansas, on Jan. 23, 2019. More information, including a pre-publication version of the Federal Register notice, the supporting analyses and fact sheets, are available here.

Dairy-RP activity nears 4.5 billion pounds of milk

The Dairy Revenue Protection (Dairy-RP) program hit its two-month anniversary, reaching a couple of milestones. Based on information as of Dec. 10, the number of dairy operations filing applications for the program topped 1,000, with more than 500 purchasing quarterly endorsements.

Since Oct. 9, dairy producers have covered revenue on about 8.3 billion pounds of 2019 milk production under the program, according to a weekly update from the USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA). The latest report shows 1,111 dairy producers had filed applications in 31 states.

Of the applications, 508 had purchased quarterly endorsements, covering 8.26 billion pounds of milk. Based on latest USDA milk production forecast of 220.9 billion pounds, the percentage of milk covered under Dairy-RP would be about 3.8 percent.

Total premium costs on purchased endorsements were about $25.7 million, with USDA RMA subsidies covering about $10.9 million of that.

Dairy-RP sales covering milk revenue for the first quarter of 2019 closes on Dec. 15.

Dairy-RP policies are not available for sale on days following USDA dairy reports with a potential impact on markets. The agency releases its monthly Milk Production report on Dec. 19, followed by the Cold Storage report on Dec. 21. In addition, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange closes early on Dec. 24 and Dec. 31, and is closed for Christmas and New Year’s Day holidays.

Wisconsin to host 18 Dairy-RP, Margin Coverage informational meetings

The University of Wisconsin – Extension will offer 18 meetings across the state for farmers interested in learning about the Dairy Revenue Protection (Dairy-RP) program and receive an update on the Dairy Margin Coverage Program contained in the 2018 Farm Bill. Meetings begin Jan. 3 and continue through March 20.

There is no fee to attend the meetings, but registration is recommended for materials. A list of dates, locations and registration is available here.

Canola meal values in dairy ration updated

Dairy cattle feeders may have additional information to formulate rations using canola meal. The Canola Council of Canada (CCC) posted updated nutritive values on its canola meal website.

The updated nutrient profile includes a greater rumen undegradable protein value and digestible neutral detergent fiber value for solvent extracted canola meal.

The information, a culmination of research funded by Canadian canola organizations, involved collecting canola meal samples annually for four consecutive years from 12 canola processing facilities. Additional analysis was provided by researchers at the U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, the University of Nevada and Cornell University.

Premier Select Sires merger effective Jan. 1

The Select Sire Power/Southeast Select Sires merger takes effect Jan. 1, 2019, creating Premier Select Sires. The new company will be comprised of more than 200 employees and nearly 100 independent distributors, providing products and services to customers in a 23-state territory.

Official judges selected for 53rd World Dairy Expo

World Dairy Expo has announced the eight individuals who will serve as official judges during the 2019 World Dairy Expo Dairy Cattle Show, Oct. 1- 5.

Nominated and selected by Expo’s dairy cattle exhibitors, the official judges are:

  • International Ayrshire Show: Phillip Topp, Botkins, Ohio
  • International Brown Swiss Show: Joe Sparrow, Worthville, Kentucky
  • International Guernsey Show: Seth Johnson, Tunbridge, Vermont
  • International Holstein Show: Chad Ryan, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin
  • International Junior Holstein Show: Eddie Bue, Kaukauna, Wisconsin
  • International Jersey Show: Jack Lomeo, Jr., Sylvan Beach, New York
  • International Milking Shorthorn Show: Keith Topp, Botkins, Ohio
  • International Red & White Show: Jamie Black, Brushton, New York  end mark
Dave Natzke