2012 World Ag Expo: Editor’s picks for things to do
It’s World Ag Expo time again. As is tradition, here’s a preview of the top three reasons I’m looking forward to attending this year’s show. 1. Dairy seminars This will be the first year Progressive Dairyman has hosted seminars at World Ag Expo. When we began planning the seminars last fall, I thought we had a solid lineup. But as I’ve spent time individually with some of the presenters, I’ve grown increasingly excited to see their presentations live. I’m perhaps most excited about the virtual tours. Two eager dairy producers will talk about the experiences that have shaped them in recent years.
For those who will be unable to attend, click here to learn how you can view our pre-taped video segments that will be shown at the live seminars.
Click here to go to the full seminar schedule or find one of the official Dairy Center program maps positioned at newsstands throughout the dairy area of the show grounds. These schedules and maps will also be available at local hotels and food service establishments in the area.
These schedules and maps will also be available at local hotels and food service establishments in the area.
2. Dairy sale
After what will be a busy week hosting seminars, meeting with producers and trolling the exhibits for new innovations, I’m looking forward to Joey Airoso’s dairy sale.
The sale’s dinner and entertainment will be welcome downtime after what is usually a packed week of meetings.
3. Mobile technology
I’m interested to find out how producers are using tablets and smartphone applications and to see any new applications available for producers.
I know that Elanco is planning to unveil a new app during the show. Few details were available at press time.
Two of our dairy producer speakers during the final seminar on Thursday, Feb. 16, will discuss how they are using mobile technology to manage their time and resources. I’m interested to hear what they have to say.
Also, World Ag Expo has its own app for the show.
I’m curious to see if it will be useful in navigating the show. I’m convinced smartphones are productive, but still holding out my endorsement of tablets as such.
I think there are many entertainment uses for tablets. I’m not convinced of their productivity tools yet.
I’d welcome anyone to convince me otherwise during the show. PD
Walt Cooley