Ag Proud

New Hire Rob Joyce

June 27, 2013

Robert Joyce Commercial Business Consultant Milwaukee, Wisconsin Stewart-Peterson

What education are you bringing with you to this position?

I have a degree in psychology from the University of Notre Dame and am currently working towards my master’s in agricultural economics from Purdue University as well as an MBA from Indiana University.

Please describe your agricultural background.
I worked for an investment firm that wanted to make an allocation to farmland in 2008 for its investors.I was responsible for the due diligence process and investment.Unfortunately, I did not grow up on a farm, so it was my first time seeing row crop production up close and personal.

I found the economics of a farm fascinating and enjoyed working with producers. We made a significant investment and it has done well.So, I left the firm and began advising high net-worth individuals on agriculture investments before beginning with Stewart-Peterson.

What territory will you cover?
I work with companies across the U.S.

What are your new responsibilities?
I work with commercial businesses to hedge their commodity price risk derived from the raw materials they purchase.I concentrate primarily on agriculture commodities including dairy, grain and livestock but also cover energy products and metals.

What previous positions have you held?
I was a director of research and trading for four years and a commodity trader for four years.

Who has made the biggest impact on your career?
Perry Vieth of Ceres Partners was the manager of the farmland we invested in through the investment firm and he taught me a lot about the economics of agriculture and how to understand the benefits and risks. He has a great relationship with his farmers and has a real passion for farmland investment.

How will you be of most help to producers in your region or area of expertise?
I think the research, insight and strategies that Stewart-Peterson provides producers enables them to increase profitability and gain peace of mind in operating their dairy.There is a genuine care and connection with the producers in our area and across the county. I am proud to be a part of that research effort and help producers wherever necessary.

Why did you choose this company?
A client of Stewart-Peterson’s is in my MS-MBA program and we met during one of our residencies at Indiana University.He and I were both from Wisconsin, so we struck up a conversation.

During our talk, he mentioned how much he enjoys working with Stewart-Peterson and how they have been instrumental in his dairy.It made me want to learn more about the group and it just so happened that they were looking to add a consultant.

What goals would you like to accomplish while in this position?
I am looking to grow the commercial division and bring the concepts and values of hedging to small and medium-size businesses.All the major corporations that buy commodities for their inputs hedge them in order to increase profitability and lower their weighted average price of COGS.

There is no reason small-to-medium-sized businesses shouldn’t be capitalizing on the same strategies and opportunities! In fact, I think they will have to in order to remain competitive.The volatility can wreak havoc on their balance sheets.

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
Celebrating the 5-year anniversary of you asking me this question and working with companies all across the country to solve their commodity risk and problems. PD