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Krone's new hay and corn heads

March 14, 2013

According to the company, the EasyCollect's modular, endless collector design leads to a substantial reduction in the number of components and drive systems, thus reducing weight and power requirements.


The crop is fed to the middle of the machine without the crop ever changing direction, passing very smoothly through the header and into the machine.

It presents the stems perpendicular to the chopping assembly. The machine is equipped with tungsten carbide coated, self-sharpening knives.

All EasyCollect headers that operate on BiG X forage harvesters are equipped with the AutoScan system where an optical sensor adjusts the chop length automatically to the maturity of the crop.

The photo-optical sensor is integrated in the corn head, where it compares the color of the leaves to determine the maturity of the crops (dark green = high moisture level, brown = low moisture level).


Based on these scans, the electronic system then computes and sets the optimum chop length. The benefits are that green corn (i.e. high moisture) is automatically chopped to longer lengths to maintain the structure of the forage whereas brown corn (i.e. dry) is chopped to shorter lengths to increase silage density and avoid fermentation in the pit.

Split into three sections, the EasyCollect header “sandwiches” quickly and easily into transport position to give a low transport height and a narrow 11-foot-9 inch transport width.

EasyFlow 380 Hay Head
Krone is also releasing a new pick-up head for their BiG X forage harvester, the EasyFlow 380.

The harvester still boasts camless pick-up but it has been updated with a new crop roller that has a revised contour and a repositioned deflector plate, which improve the crop flow. Offering an adjustable clearance for the crop roller, the pick-up now adjusts even better to varying swath widths.

For maximum longevity, the wearing plates in the crop flow area are now made of stainless steel and hardox.

The new EasyFlow 380 pick-up head for the BiG X is available in a 12-foot-5-inch working width.  FG

—From Krone press release

Photo courtesy of Krone.