2010 Hay Bale Decorating Contest from Progressive Forage Grower
We at Progressive Forage Grower thought to ourselves why not have it bring a little competition too? Inspired by the Montana Bale Trail (Read our article about it here: http://bit.ly/3416_HayDecorating), we decided to host our own contest - a hay bale decorating contest.
The process is simple enough. Dress up a hay bale on your farm, snap a photo and e-mail it to us. The most creative submission wins.
Deadline: Entries must be submitted by e-mail to emily@progressivedairy.com by Monday, November 22. Finalists will be announced Tuesday, November 23, and public voting will take place until Tuesday, November 30. Winners will be announced Wednesday, December 1.
Prizes: First place wins a $50 gift certificate to Cabela's. Second and third place winners will each receive the first-ever Progressive Forage Grower hat.
Questions? E-mail emily@progressivedairy.com or lynn@progressiveforage.com.
Examples: To help with your creative process, we have posted photos from this year's Montana Bale Trail. Photos were taken by Loni Carr of ForteGraphics.com.
Click here for the official rules and regulations.
FIRST: DoubleStuf Or-Hay-o
SECOND: G-Hay-cko says, "What the hay?"
Scroll down for more!
Bud-Hay The Cake Boss
The Hay-dless Horseman
Beetle "Bale"-ey