Photo provided by Lactalis Canada.
Dairy Farmers of Canada: A symbol of high-quality Canadian milk
What prompted them to join the Blue Cow family and how do they see it contributing to their future success? Vincent Metz, general manager of the fluid division and corporate marketing at Lactalis Canada, explains below.
As one of the most influential logos in Canada, DFC’s Blue Cow is recognized by nine out of 10 customers. As a symbol of excellence in production, it plays an important role in the dairy industry’s efforts to resonate with today’s consumers.
Now Lactalis Canada (formerly Parmalat Canada), a subsidiary of Lactalis Group and one of Canada’s largest dairy processors, is increasingly turning to the Blue Cow logo to further assert the quality of their dairy products. In a gradual, multistep process that began in late 2018, Lactalis Canada started featuring the Blue Cow on all its Lactantia and Beatrice milk and cream products – joining over 8,200 other products and 500 licensees already carrying the logo.
Then, early in 2020, Lactalis Canada announced its additional commitment to featuring the logo on all leading cheese products made with Canadian milk, including the Cracker Barrel, Black Diamond, Cheestrings, aMOOza! and P’tit Québec brands. The Blue Cow logo is also slated to gradually appear on other Lactalis Canada dairy products such as Stonyfield organic yogurts.
Many of the products under the Lactalis Canada umbrella already carry an iconic brand heritage dating back several decades. But having the logo prominently featured on packaging is especially helpful, says Lactalis Canada, as they occasionally receive inquiries from customers regarding the origin of their products.
“We see the Blue Cow logo starting to be well recognized by consumers as a symbol of Canadian milk and dairy ingredients and high-quality standards,” Metz says.
“Canadian people are very proud of being Canadian and have shown their preference for locally made products. This is part of a rising trend we have observed, especially for food. As people like to be reassured of the origins of their products, they have also become more aware of sustainability issues – the need to support the local economy, employment and social communities, as well as to decrease their environmental footprint.
“All these reasons made our adoption of the Blue Cow logo a sensible decision and the best way to inform consumers of the products we carry today and into the future.”
As newly packaged products first started hitting shelves in 2019, a multistage rollout has been essential given the nature of their operations and the extent of their product lines, Metz says.
“In addition to changing the packaging to adjust to the new logo, we must also systematically update our website, digital materials and point-of-sale materials. And, for the sake of the environment, we don’t want to create unnecessary waste or have to throw away existing packaging.”
While Lactalis Canada does not expect the logo alone will translate into additional sales, their hope is that by bringing reassurance to consumers, they can uphold the positive image of Canadian dairy while showcasing their commitment to local communities, dairy farmers and manufacturers.
They’re also hoping to build consumer loyalty and a strong preference for Canadian-made products. Their success is inherently dependent on efforts by DFC and provincial milk marketing boards to communicate the meaning of the logo as well as the concrete initiatives it represents, Metz says.
Metz also urges stakeholders to reinforce the benefits of dairy. “I think we should constructively reassert the truths around the way in which our products are made with simple ingredients and the nutritional goodness they naturally carry, compared to many alternatives that often have 10 to 15 ingredients in them.
“Otherwise, we risk decreasing consumption among younger generations.”
Founded in 1934, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national organization that defends the interests of Canadian dairy farmers and strives to create favourable conditions for the Canadian dairy industry. Working in accordance with supply management principles, DFC promotes safe, high-quality, sustainable and nutritious Canadian dairy products made from 100% Canadian milk through various marketing, nutrition, policy and lobbying initiatives. Driven by a strong sense of community and pride, DFC and Canadian dairy farmers actively support a number of local and national activities. Visit Dairy Farmers of Canada for more information.