Research review: Resources for dairy farmers: Fact sheet to improve dry-off procedures for cow health and welfare
Led by Dr. Simon Dufour, Université de Montréal, experts from the Mastitis Network worked in collaboration with Dairy Farmers of Canada to develop a new fact sheet in English, French and Spanish that contains best practices and visual step-by-step procedures for the application of an internal teat sealant at dry-off.
A growing number of farms are using teat sealants as a preventative measure for better udder health and as part of a strategy to reduce antimicrobial use overall on dairy farms.
To download a copy of the fact sheet, visit Mastitis Network or Dairy Research of Canada.
The fact sheet is part of a series of fact sheets that contain best practices, techniques and protocols for mastitis testing and treatment as well as milking procedures. All information is available at no cost to download from the Mastitis Network’s website.
Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) invests in research to stimulate productivity, sustainability and profitability on farms and to improve knowledge on milk and dairy products’ health benefits. DFC finances research initiatives that benefit all dairy farmers across Canada and works in collaboration with its members and other sectorial partners to address farmers’ priorities set in the dairy research and knowledge translation, and transfer national strategies. Visit Dairy Research of Canada for more information.