Research review: New resource for dairy farmers: Footbaths for the prevention and control of digital dermatitis
The document contains information for farmers and their advisers in a quick reference format to improve dairy cattle hoof health.
This is the fourth in a series of popular fact sheets supporting farmers in meeting their requirements for the animal care module of Dairy Farmers of Canada’s proAction Initiative. The information is based on recent scientific evidence and the fact sheet was developed by a team of experts from Valacta, the Université de Montréal, the University of Calgary and the Association des Médecins Vétérinaires Praticiens du Québec, in collaboration with Dairy Farmers of Canada.
Click here or on the image above to view it at full size in a new window.
The other fact sheets in the animal care series that can be downloaded free include:
- Lameness
- Body condition score
- Hock, knee and neck injuries
Visit the producer resources section of Dairy Farmers of Canada to download your copies.
Canadian Dairy Research: For a profitable, innovative and sustainable sector
Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) invests in research to stimulate productivity, sustainability and profitability on farms and to improve knowledge on milk and dairy products’ health benefits. DFC finances research initiatives that benefit all dairy farmers across Canada and works in collaboration with its members and other sectorial partners to address farmers’ priorities set in the national dairy research and knowledge translation and transfer strategies. Visit Dairy Farmers of Canada for more information.