Ag Proud

Poll: Battling pneumonia in the calf barn

August 29, 2016

In a recent online poll, Progressive Dairyman asked, “What disease(s) are you currently battling in your calf barn?”

Pneumonia was the most prominent disease, receiving 26 percent of the vote. Cryptosporidium parvum came in second, with 23 percent of the vote. E. coli received 19 percent of the vote, solidly in third. “Other” diseases came in at 14 percent.

All other listed diseases each received less than 10 percent of the vote. Rotavirus and coronavirus both received 7 percent. Salmonella was about 4 percent of the vote. C. perfringens type C didn’t receive any of the vote.  PD

What disease(s) are you currently battling in your calf barn?

  • Pneumonia: 26%

  • E. coli: 19%

  • Salmonella: 4%

  • Rotavirus: 7%

  • Cryptosporidium parvum: 23%

  • C. perfringens type C: 0%

  • Coronavirus: 7%

  • Other: 14%