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University of Guelph opens Grober Nutrition Innovation Lab

May 20, 2016

Grober Nutrition, the animal nutrition division of Grober Inc., has committed its patronage to the University of Guelph and the new Livestock Research and Innovation Centre – Dairy barn built in Elora, Ontario. As part of its way to support and express gratitude to the Canadian dairy industry, the company has committed a five-year gift. In recognition for this gift, the university has renamed animal biosciences lab number 101 to “The Grober Nutrition Innovation Lab” on the Guelph campus.

Currently students and clubs alike are using this room for planning and project work in the animal sciences. The company’s support demonstrates its belief that these same students are the next generation of dairy farmers and industry leaders. They will be continuing the research, education and training needed to carry the Canadian dairy industry to the next level.

“Grober Nutrition sees the results every day of how a strong, productive calf supports a strong dairy industry,” says Jerry Bartelse, owner and CEO of the Grober Group of Companies. “Right from the start, calf development sets the foundation. We believe the new dairy barn initiative and Grober Nutrition Innovation Lab will enhance this foundation through collaborative and advanced thinking.”  PD

—From Grober Nutrition news release

PHOTO: Grober and University of Guelph representatives. Back row, left to right: Pascal Bouilly (Grober Dairy Calf Supply Chain Manager), John Ritu (Grober CFO), Amanda Kerr (Grober Nutrition Associate), Jackson Matschke (Grober Young Animal Specialist), Brittany Todd (Grober Young Animal Specialist), Dr. Rene Van Acker (Associate Dean External Relations), Jurian Bartelse (Grober USA Vice President), Dr. Brandon Plattner (Assistant Professor in Pathobiology). Front row, left to right: Michelle Adams (Grober Marketing Manager), Amanda Sterk (Grober QA & HACCP Nutritionist), Angela Wilson (Research Assistant, Genome Canada project), Jerry Bartelse (Grober President and Owner), Heather Copland (Grober General Manager), Manuel Silveira (Grober Purchasing Manager), Dr. Jim Squires (Chair of the Department of Animal Biosciences). Photo provided by Grober Nutrition.