Ag Proud

Poll: It's time to gear up for spring planting

March 8, 2021

As spring slowly rolls across the U.S., forage producers are in various stages of readiness for a predictably hectic planting season, waiting for Mother Nature to give the green light. Progressive Forage asked producers in an online reader poll, "How prepared are you to start spring groundwork?" 

A collective 68% of respondents said they would be ready for planting season immediately or within the next few weeks – 33.3% and 34.8%, respectively.

About 20% have thought about it, but haven't started actively preparing yet, and the remaining 11.6% have not considered, much less prepared anything for planting season yet.

How prepared are you to start spring groundwork?

  • I could start tomorrow: 33.3%

  • I'll be ready in the next few weeks: 34.8%

  • I've thought about it, but haven't started actively preparing: 20.3%

  • I know it's coming, but haven't done a thing about it: 11.6%