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Bayer introduces insecticide ear tag with new active ingredient

January 4, 2016

“Both horn flies and face flies can be a big problem for producers, potentially spreading disease and reducing weight gain,” says Bruce Brinkmeyer, product manager for livestock insecticides at the company. “Tolfenpro will give producers a new option in fighting these pests, including those that have become pyrethroid- and organophosphate-resistant.”

The ear tag utilizes a new active ingredient, tolfenpyrad, in the pyrazole chemical class. It is a mitochondrial electron transport inhibitor; it prevents an insect’s cells from producing the energy needed to function and live.

“Having a product with a new active ingredient and mode of action for ear tags will be helpful for producers who have seen or are worried about resistance,” says Dr. Larry Hawkins, senior technical services veterinarian at the company. “It’s important to rotate not just between active ingredients, but also modes of action for an effective rotation strategy, and Tolfenpro fits well in a rotation program using pyrethroid, organophosphate or avermectin ear tags because it has a different mode of action.”

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—From Bayer HealthCare LLC news release