Ag Proud

Mahindra USA announces corporate sponsorship of the Texas FFA

August 2, 2011

Mahindra USA is no stranger to community involvement. Through the years, Mahindra has sponsored a college scholarship for 16 high school seniors as part of the national FFA’s Women in Agriculture program. The company also recently launched the Mahindra Recovery Assistance Program, which is focused on deploying Mahindra Tractors that are in dealer inventories to assist in the cleanup of communities affected by the recent tornadoes in southwest Missouri and throughout the southern states. In addition, many independent Mahindra dealers sponsor college scholarships for local students in their communities.  end_mark

—From Mahindra USA news release

Mahindra USA President Mani Iyer (left) and former Vice President of Marketing Mike Hilderbrand (right) pose with Texas FFA students at the company’s North American headquarters in Houston.
Photo courtesy of Mahindra USA.