Ag Proud

Multistate beef conference offers timely information

January 3, 2014

“The topics and speakers will provide timely information on relevant topics, and all were chosen based on producer input,” Clark said. “And this year, Extension specialists from all three states – Iowa, Missouri and Nebraska – will present information in person at the Iowa location.”

Rob Kallenbach from the University of Missouri will provide information on the potential benefits of using cover crops as an alternative forage source in a grazing system.

Tim Eggers from Iowa State will present information on the decision process of moving pasture land to crop production, as well as helping participants think through challenges of deciding whether to lease pasture land or keep cow/calf pairs in drylot for longer times.

Rick Rasby from University of Nebraska—Lincoln will discuss drylot management of cows with emphasis on financial, nutritional, and practical considerations.

The program at the Southwestern Iowa Community College campus in Creston begins with registration at 5:30 p.m., with the first session set for 6. Dinner is at 6:45, followed by two more presentations. Cost is $20 per person and includes the meal and copy of the conference proceedings. Preregistration is required by Friday, Jan. 10, by calling the Page County extension office at 877-596-7243. The conference brochure has information for the Iowa location.

Program details, contacts and links to brochures for all locations are available on the conference website at The conference will also be held at the Hundley Whaley Learning Discovery Center, Albany, Mo, (Jan. 15); the Agricultural Research and Development Center, Ithaca, Neb. (Jan. 16); and the Gage County Extension Office, Beatrice, Neb. (Jan. 16). end mark

–Iowa Beef Center