Ag Proud

Beefmaster Breeders accepting executive VP applications

November 8, 2013

The cattle organization is also accepting applications for a field service representative, which will increase field staff to two representatives.
The EVP is responsible for all facets of daily operations, including staffing, budgets, programs and marketing within BBU. The ideal candidate needs to have knowledge and understanding of cattle science including expected progeny differences (EPDs), DNA-typing and genomics.

Candidates need to have experience with American cattle breeds, knowledge of the commercial cattle industry, as well as experience in the marketing of purebred and commercial cattle. The EVP must have superior leadership skills that allow them the ability to work within and enforce rules and by-laws of BBU. Not only will the EVP need to communicate effectively with the diverse membership of BBU, they will also need to dedicate time and travel to promote Beefmasters and meet the needs of the association membership.
Interested EVP candidates must submit answers to application questions, current resume and references to the BBU Search Committee at 6800 Park Ten Blvd, Suite 290 West, San Antonio, Texas 78213. Applications packets may also be emailed. Application questions can be found in the EVP position announcement.

The field service representative position will provide assistance to Beefmaster breeders and commercial beef producers in the U.S. The selected individual should be able to build relationships with BBU members and commercial cattlemen for the good of both industry segments.

Major duties include providing classification services, implementing a new feeder/replacement female commercial marketing program and educational support for BBU programs that create visibility and demand for Beefmaster cattle.
Interested candidates for the field service position must complete the BBU employment application and submit it along with a cover letter, resume and three reference letters to Collin Osbourn via email or via mail to the San Antonio office headquarters.  
For more information about Beefmaster Breeders United and its employment opportunities, contact the BBU office at (210) 732-3132. end mark

—From Beefmaster Breeders United news release