Ag Proud

Document losses from S.D. Atlas storm

October 11, 2013

"This early season, record setting blizzard is devastating to our producers and our thoughts are with them," said Secretary of Agriculture Lucas Lentsch. "We are working to coordinate with ag industry stakeholders to establish and execute a response plan."

SDDA is working closely with the Office of Emergency Management, Animal Industry Board, Brand Board and Governor's Office on recovery efforts.

According to the South Dakota Cattlemen's Association website, documentation is critical due to the pending terms of the Farm Bill still not completed by Congress. Livestock disaster programs ended when the Farm Bill expired on Sept. 30, but both House and Senate Farm Bills re-authorize the Livestock indemnity Program (LIP) with funding at different levels, according to the SDCA.

How much assistance the LIP will provide won't be determined until the Farm Bill is completed.

Therefore producers must take extra steps to document the losses felt from the storm. Documentation should be done on all livestock losses through the use of pictures, vaccination and hauling receipts, or any other records for possible future use in disaster relief programs.

Third-party verification of losses is recommended. If you have questions regarding livestock identification, please contact the South Dakota Brand Board at (605) 773-3324.
The South Dakota Animal Industry Board (AIB) will be coordinating disposal of livestock carcasses. Brand Board inspectors will be involved in identifying livestock and livestock carcasses.

Affected producers should contact their local county emergency manager listed below.

Bennett County: Jeff Siscoe, (605) 685-5994
Butte County: Martha Wierzbicki, (605) 569-2766
Corson County: Brad Schell, (605) 273-4481
Custer County: Mike Carter, (605) 673-8152
Fall River County: Frank Maynard, (605) 745-7562
Haakon County: Lola Roseth, (605) 567-3515
Harding County: Kathy Glines, (605) 375-3313
Jackson County: Jackie Stilwell, (605) 488-0334
Jones County: Angie Kinsley, (605) 669-7101
Lawrence County: Paul Thomson, (605) 578-2122
Meade County: Angella Sutton, (605) 347-7623
Mellette County: Karen O’Brien, (605) 259-3371
Pennington County: Dustin Willett, (605) 394-2185
Perkins County: Kelly Serr, (605) 224-5243
Shannon County: Frank Maynard, (605) 745-7562
Todd County: Kara Walking, (605) 429-3246
Ziebach County: Mike Burgee, (605)365-5129  end mark

—Compiled from various sources by Progressive Cattleman staff