New website aims to help cattlemen find leases
PS members can search for available leases by state, size, and livestock type. They can also search, by state, for harvested forage (hay or silage) available for sale. Members who list property or forage will be exposed to a large number of potential lessees or forage purchasers, increasing the chance they receive true market value.
A lease template is available for those who want to specify terms to lease their property. In the coming months, PS also will be introducing technology that allows landowners to accept bids for their leases.
PS has a messaging service that allows landowners and pasture seekers the ability to communicate with each other in a way that maintains privacy, but also allows both parties to be confident they have secured the right lease, with the right person, at the right price. It is free to become a PS member.
—From PastureScout news release