Zareba Systems' new sectional Copper Ground Rod Kit simplifies installation
Zareba's new kit provides superior grounding for electric fencing systems by using copper, which is viewed to be the best grounding material in the industry, due to its highly-efficient conductivity properties.
If an animal touches the electrically charged fence wire, it will feel the electric current as the charge is passed through its body. The charge then continues through the circuit into the earth to the ground rod and then up the ground wire to ground terminal of the charger.
Andrea Itnyre, category development associate for the electronic containment division of Woodstream, said, "If the fence system is not sufficiently grounded, the path of the electric current cannot be completed and the animal will not feel the shock.
"Proper installation of the ground circuit is crucial since the earth provides half of the electric field circuit."
The Sectional Copper Ground Rod Kit includes four two-inch copper section ground rods that screw into one another, a hardened steel tip that makes driving the rods into the ground easier, a ground rod clamp and anvil.
The new kit keeps livestock safe and secure and the fencing system functioning properly.
—From Woodstream Corporation news release
Photo courtesy of Woodstream Corporation.