Ag Proud

Stockpiled forages reduce need, cost of hay, supplemental feed

October 24, 2017

Dr. Jason Banta, AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, Overton, said producers can reduce the need for hay and supplements by providing stockpiled forage mid-November through December and winter annuals October through May.

“If they choose these options, we want them to know how to best utilize them,” Banta said.

For stockpiled bermudagrass and bahiagrass, producers should bale the field for hay or graze the pasture 3-6 inches tall in the first part of September each year. Then fertilize and allow growth until the first frost, which is typically by mid-November in East Texas, Banta said. After the frost, the forage can be utilized until the first part of January.

“Utilizing stockpiled forage helps us avoid feeding hay for four to six weeks potentially,” he said.

Banta said producers should “strip graze” the pasture by using electric fencing to restrict cows’ access to the forage if possible.

“Provide access to what they could eat in two to four days,” he said. “Then every few days, move the fence to allow more access. Restricting access will help prevent the cattle from wasting the available forage.”

The forages should be utilized by the first of January to mid-January in high rainfall areas because rain will begin to reduce quality and palatability for cattle, Banta said.

“If we fertilize and have good growing conditions, the stockpiled forage should meet all nutrient requirements for dry cows,” Banta said. “Additionally, it will meet the requirements for most lactating cows. However, in some situations, small amounts of supplements may be needed depending on the forage quality, milk production and body condition score of the lactating cows.”

In those cases, Banta said lactating cows should generally receive 1-2 pounds of a high-protein supplement per cow per day.

Legumes and winter annual grasses such as ryegrass, small grain rye and wheat can also be used to reduce the need and cost of hay.

“Those forages will be extremely high in both protein and energy,” he said.

However, utilizing winter annuals and legumes differs for replacement heifers, pregnant females in late gestation and cow-calf pairs, Banta said.

“If abundant winter annual forage is available, pairs and replacement heifers can be grazed full time in lieu of feeding hay,” he said. “In contrast, pregnant females in late gestation should be limit grazed on winter annuals to avoid potential increases in calf birthweights and calving problems.”

Banta said late-gestation cows should be limited to two-hour grazing sessions daily.

“After a couple days, the cows should be used to the routine and become easier to remove from the winter annual pastures,” he said.

Grazing dry cows or pairs on winter annuals or legumes should also negate any need for protein or energy supplements, Banta said. Producers should, however, provide minerals with moderate-to-high, 5-13 percent, magnesium to reduce the chances of grass tetany in lactating cows.

“If utilized effectively, grazing stockpiled forages and winter annual forages can tremendously reduce winter feeding costs for producers,” he said. “Whatever is spent on seed and fertilizer can be more than made up in quality forage.”  end mark

—From Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service news release

PHOTO: Stockpiled winter forages can provide four to six weeks of protein and energy for cows and calves, and reduce the need for and cost of supplemental feed and hay. Photo by Adam Russell, courtesy of Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service.