Ag Proud

New Jersey State Dairy Princess

May 9, 2022
Name: Brittany Smith
City, state: Oxford, New Jersey
Reign year: 2020-21

Summary of yourself and your ag/dairy background:

My grandparents have a small family farm that I have taken part in since I was able to walk. We raised dairy cattle for show and also raised beef, goats, sheep, rabbits and chickens.

How your reign started:

My reign started in November of 2019. New Jersey has a small dairy princess program, and I was the only county princess who ran that year. However, I still went through an interview process with questions, did a milk-product knowledge test and presented a formal speech and an interactive children’s program.

Your promotion activities over the past year:

The past two years with the pandemic have been hard. I attended the New York State Pageant in 2020, just prior to the country shutting down. I also reached out to pre-schools and did a couple pre-school programs virtually. I presented to a couple classes virtually about milk, it’s importance in their daily diets and where it comes from. I also attended a field day in Camden, New Jersey, this past summer, as well as attended several fairs.

pd web 2022 new jersey princess promotion

Specific promotion activity you are most proud of from your reign:

Since my reign was during the COVID-19 shutdown, I am most proud of being able to adapt to new ways of interacting with the youth through a virtual platform and adapting programs for those platforms.

What you think it takes to be successful at promoting dairy:

To be outgoing, very well spoken and knowledgeable of the dairy industry as well as the importance of dairy in your diet.  end mark

PHOTO: Brittany Smith attends a field day in Camden, New Jersey. Photos provided by Brittany Smith.