Ag Proud

Canada's greatest dairy influencers

You don’t have to have a social media account to be an influencer.

July 1, 2023

When I was young, the social event of the summer season was the annual Black and White Show. We had many top-name judges – Heffering, Trevena, Stewart and a young man named Lowell.

Years later, as I began working cow events on my own, I met or worked for people named Frasier, Cormier, Dupasquier, Ekstein, Vander Meulen, Stanton, Vis, Eastman, Brown, Comtois and many more. One of the ways I learned something about animal behaviour was working with a couple ladies named Jones and Fletcher who worked behind a camera.

I have had the privilege to serve on youth committees with a leader named Reissner, who touts the leadership of 4-H volunteers named Uhr, O’Neil, Murphy, Phoenix, Stephens, Beckwith and so many more. There is a family named Wright from the West who began a uniquely named magazine that I was able to write a few fun stories for years ago. They also have shared their love of the industry by working on a fantastic show – the Western Canadian Classic – with people named Chalack, Blair, Donohoe, Rendle and alongside breeders named Kozak, Fisher, Morey and many more.

So, what’s the scoop with all this name dropping?

My point in all this is there are many, many people from all across Canada who are influential leaders – dairy farm owners, business giants and big thinkers. I know there are people who have built a business from nothing or had an idea about a group of bulls that changed the way we breed cattle. The names I’ve mentioned barely scratch the surface of greatness in the Canadian dairy industry.

Who do you know? Who has put Canada on the map with the latest technology, research and innovations? Who do you know leads the industry with their breeding program, their feed kitchen design or their outstanding herd health? What neighbour do you have who is leading the sustainability, net-zero movement with manure and crop management? Who influences your decision-making when it comes to new buildings, expansion or new milking equipment? Who is leading youth to be part of agriculture in the future?

Where do we start with a list of influential people in the dairy industry in Canada?

Begin wherever you’d like. I am hoping that you will nominate any individual who has had an influence on you or you feel has influenced the industry as a whole by sending me their name and a few words about how they have influenced you or others. Later this year, we will compile the nominations and share the stories of those who have made the Canadian dairy industry the envy of the world.

Email me your nomination. I can’t wait to see the list of greatness develop.