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Central Life Sciences - July 2023 PD sponsored content

Effective Fly Control Solutions for Your Operation

June 30, 2023

Flies are not only a nuisance, but they can also pose significant health risks to humans and animals alike. To maintain a clean and hygienic environment, effective fly control is essential. Additionally, proper rotation is vital in fighting against fly bait resistance – allowing for even greater fly control on any operation. QuikStrike® Fly Scatter Bait (QuikStrike® bait), Golden Malrin® Fly Bait (Golden Malrin® bait), Cyanarox® Insecticidal Bait (Cyanarox® bait) and the new DuraStrike® Fly Scatter Bait (DuraStrike® bait) from Starbar: These products all use different active ingredients, modes of action and attractants that will reinforce the fight against resistance and boost profits. 


DuraStrike® bait can be used in conjunction with QuikStrike® bait, Golden Malrin® bait and Cyanarox® bait as an alternative or additional rotational product. Rotating among these diverse products can help you set the bar for fly control at the low levels of your operation. DuraStrike® bait is a ready-to-use granular bait for use in and around residential, commercial and agricultural structures to control house and fruit flies and to kill blow flies indoors. DuraStrike® bait can be applied as a scatter bait or in a refillable bait station in areas not accessible to children, pets or livestock. Use DuraStrike® bait to control flies, including house flies.


The Starbar® Fly Bait Station holds 2 oz. of bait and has a built-in tray that catches dead flies after they feed for when scattering baits isn’t desired. It can be used with QuikStrike® bait, Golden Malrin® bait, Cyanarox® bait and DuraStrike® bait to improve fly bait resistance management.

The amount of DuraStrike® bait applied can be adjusted to the level of fly population present, even as low as 1.6 oz. per 1,000 sq. ft. for the maintenance of fly populations. DuraStrike® bait is approved for use in and around dairies, broiler houses, stables, swine facilities, food processing plants, beverage processing plants, refuse dumpsters, feedlots, poultry houses and kennels.

The active ingredient in DuraStrike® bait is Indoxacarb and it’s available in a 1 lb. can and a 28 lb. bucket. DuraStrike® bait provides an alternative mode of action for insecticide resistance management and can be used as part of an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program


For the most effective control of flies, use DuraStrike® bait as part of an IPM program that also features traps, sprays and best practices. Effective IPM programs should combine best practices with proper product applications. The best practices of an IPM program should focus on proper sanitation, exclusion and monitoring practices. Proper product application is an essential component that should include a comprehensive mix of fly baits, fly traps, sprays, on-animal and feed-through solutions like those available in the Starbar® line of insect-control products.

A comprehensive IPM program consists of three phases: Planning, Implementation and Evaluation. By following the three steps in developing an IPM program, operators can protect the well-being of livestock and avoid lost production. With four fly baits that have different active ingredients, modes of action and attractants, there is no reason to go anywhere else for your fly control needs.


Over the years, the Starbar® lineup has grown to feature additional products that can do more to fight biting flies, fire ants, mosquitoes and other labeled pests that can affect your operation. With a wide variety of solutions, Starbar® products help to fight a wide variety of insects. Starbar® insect sprays are easy to use and can be applied in many areas throughout an operation. Some can be used directly on-animal for livestock fly control, while others can be used in and around structures for proven fly and listed insect control. Starbar® insect sprays can be applied to various places in, on and around your operation. Application sites include pastures and yards, on animals and in buildings.

Comprehensive solutions provided by Starbar for effective fly control go beyond mere nuisance prevention, addressing the health risks associated with flies and offering a range of products with different active ingredients, modes of action and attractants. With the introduction of DuraStrike® bait, the lineup of rotational options has been strengthened, allowing for improved resistance management and enhanced profitability. By incorporating these solutions into an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program, operators can achieve the most effective control of flies while also addressing other labeled pests. With the Starbar® line of insect-control products, operators have access to a wide variety of solutions that extend beyond fly control, providing effective means to combat biting flies, fire ants, mosquitoes and other insects that may affect their operations.

To learn more about DuraStrike® bait and the entire family of Starbar® products, visit

Cyanarox, DuraStrike, Golden Malrin, QuikStrike and Starbar are registered trademarks of Wellmark International.