Genetic Traits
One of the biggest challenges facing feedlot operators is the threat of cattle developing congestive heart failure as they approach slaughter. Can we alleviate that liability by taking a closer look at cattle’s genetic makeup?
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Weekly Digest: September fluid milk sales fall by 1.6%
President-elect Trump nominates Brooke Rollins to lead the USDA.
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Basic numbers and big data: Measuring herd success
Breeding stock selections can be made using more than a handful of methods. While genomics, EPDs, indexes and genetic testing dominate many of these decisions, other, often ignored or unknown practices, are still relied on. Can these methods work together?
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The challenge of marketing ‘sustainable’ beef
Sustainability often means different things at different points of the supply chain. Technology now exists that allows producers to meet consumers’ sustainability expectations while keeping ranches and feedlots economically and environmentally viable.
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Breeding the optimal cow for your environment
Genetic potential can vary across different environments. Giving your cattle the best chance to succeed where they are can make all the difference in maximizing that potential.
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Researchers identify new genetic defects in cattle
Delayed blindness in Hereford populations and bovine familial convulsions and ataxia in Angus cattle have been identified as being caused by genetic mutations, which could help producers in selecting genetics to avoid these conditions.
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Getting a clearer picture with the help of genomics
As genomic testing continues to be utilized more on both commercial and seedstock operations, let’s look at what genomics can tell us about an animal’s actual genetic merit and reduce the risk on your ranch.
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The truth about genomic prediction every rancher should know
When commercial cattlemen invest in genomic testing, they are consistently able to select replacement heifers that pass on desirable DNA to their offspring.
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Data into profit: Using genomic tools to produce and select superior replacement heifers
Analyzing genomic data can help producers hone in on the most valuable traits for their operations. Genomic research shows that managing to improve hybrid vigor will increase fertility, longevity and lifetime productivity.
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