Articles by Gavin Staley
De la patience ainsi qu’un accent sur la longévité, la productivité et la production à 10 semaines en lait sont des éléments clés pour élever des génisses qui n’auront aucun problème à débuter leur lactation et qui deviendront des vaches profitables.
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Developing a productive, sustainable life for dairy cows
In order to become more economical and sustainable, dairies should focus on increasing the productive life of their animals. This also meets consumer demands for transparency and animal care.
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Platinum heifers won’t be dropouts
Patience and a focus on a long, productive life and 10-week milk are all key to raising heifers that freshen in well and thrive as cows.
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Turn platinum heifers into golden girls
Creating an environment that creates and retains more profitable mature cows and producing the right number of quality mature heifers is a large part of the productive life story.
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