Articles by Woody Lane
Stretching out grazing season with careful forage management strategies, thus shortening the time you have to feed stored forages, is the most direct way to reduce feed costs.
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It may not seem like much
By delaying grazing slightly in early spring so the grass grows taller and increases its DM percentage by a modest 20%, we boost the amount of energy available for lactation by 34%.
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Plants that practice the martial arts
Hairy vetch, poison ivy and poison oak can cause strong immunological responses in livestock. However, if producers keep a close eye on their animals, they can sleep soundly at night, even in these plants’ presence.
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Toxic algae that isn’t algae
Cyanobacteria (often called blue-green algae) can be a scary thing to see in your cattle’s water source and can be the cause of mysterious health issues. Here’s what to know about it to keep your cattle safe, especially in areas experiencing severe drought.
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Useful traits of sorghum
Summer pastures can offer a cornucopia of traits due to the three useful traits of sorghum that are present in the summer.
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Dietary fiber or ruminant fiber?
Hay is a staple in dietary fibers of the ruminant diet, and understanding fibers is crucial to understanding ruminant nutrition.
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Why would you choose …
A systematic approach to choosing what is best for your forage operation will be the most profitable strategy, and knowing what to consider is the first step in that process.
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An evening at the Confused Chromosome Club: Exponential genes
At first blush, PCR technology may seem like a redundancy on the ranch, providing little beyond a talking point at the local watering hole. But when utilized correctly, it can supply producers with a slew of valuable genetic information.
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