Items Tagged with 'kernel processing'
Assessing individual starch sources in the diet is key to determining what’s influencing a suboptimal fecal starch percentage.
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Maximizing corn silage quality: Key decisions for a successful harvest
As corn silage season approaches, crucial decisions must be made to ensure a high-quality crop, including cutting height, late-season plant health, hybrid genetics and kernel processing, all aimed at providing consistent forage for dairy herds.
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High-moisture corn: Give yourself a better chance for success
To ensure the greatest ROI, carefully consider such factors as dry matter, kernel processing, inoculant and packing when utilizing high-moisture corn as a feedstuff.
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You can teach an old dog new tricks
When it comes to alternative forages, look outside normal methods of processing to maximize the potential. Research has shown that proper berry processing in sorghum silages can be a key to unlocking more starch.
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Maximizing the ROI of your silage
Silage, like any other feed, is a big investment. When producers understand the components of a good silage product and the steps they can take to maintain its integrity, that investment is more likely to be worth it.
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