Meteer travis
Beef Extension Educator / University of Illinois

Careful consideration in selecting replacement heifers is vital to the future of a cattle herd. Each producer will have different priorities depending on herd goals. However, these selection tips will help incorporate proven selection strategies into your keep/cull process.

  • Always start with the end in mind. Select cattle that fit your market, your environment and your management.
  • Remove heifers born late in the calving season. These heifers will be younger at breeding, calving, etc., less sexually mature, lighter in weight and from cows starting to slip back in the breeding season. Later-calving cows may be signaling that they are less fit for your environment or less fertile than early calvers.
  • Remove heifers that are nervous or have an attitude problem. There is no place for cattle that are a liability to the crew. Maternal instinct is valuable, but flighty cattle will always be a hassle and liability.
  • Remove heifers that are born to cows that have calving difficulty, poor udder quality, poor feet and hoof structure or are preg checked open. Culling these problems from your herd will save you valuable time and money from future problems. Remember: The cow needs to work for you, not the other way around.
  • Remove heifers that are poor doers or are exceptionally lightweight. These heifers will struggle to reach target weights at breeding. Most herds are targeting between 55% and 65% of mature weight at breeding for replacement heifers.
  • Remove heifers that are freemartins or have small pelvic scores. Obviously, freemartin heifers are very unlikely to breed. Small pelvic area is directly correlated to dystocia and calving problems. Dystocia usually results in poor breed-back.
  • Remove heifers that are inferior phenotypically or genetically. Genomic testing may change your replacement pen. Removing cattle from the replacement pen that do not fit your market is wise. They may easily fit someone else’s market.

Finally, a few other considerations for commercial producers. Selecting replacement heifers from older cows in the herd will result in selecting cattle that are best fit for your management. These heifers are more likely to stay in the herd for a long time. Consider saving all female progeny and allow a synched A.I. or a very short breeding season to do the culling. Remember: There are numerous criteria for selecting replacements; make sure you are selecting cattle that will offer the most value to your herd and best fit your market.