The Idaho Water Resource Board (IWRB) has opened the application process for a new $2 million grant program that would provide 50% in cost-share funding for telemetry and monitoring projects for surface water or groundwater diversions in the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer (ESPA) region.

The program provides a maximum of $250,000 per project. Applications are due by March 28, 2025.

The new grant program came about as a result of the recent water settlement between surface water users and groundwater users in the ESPA region to provide real-time water use data on surface and groundwater use.

The Idaho Department of Water Resources (IDWR) and its partners maintain an existing network of 115 telemetry sites on springs, streams and return flow sites across southern Idaho. In round numbers, IDWR staff says it costs approximately $8,000 per site to install telemetry equipment at a diversion.

“This new grant program is focused on helping irrigators throughout the ESPA with the costs of purchasing telemetry and monitoring equipment for ground and surface water diversions,” said Neeley Miller, manager of the grant program for IWRB.


Details and criteria about the new grant program can be found on the IWRB website.

Applications should be made through the following entities: groundwater districts, irrigation districts, irrigation boards of control, canal companies, drainage districts, ditch companies, lateral ditch users associations, reservoir districts, municipal irrigation districts, cities, counties and water districts in the ESPA region. Individuals should apply through one of the eligible entities.

Grant applications must include the following:

  • Project background (infrastructure description, repair, rehabilitation, improvement needs/objectives/benefits)
  • Project sponsor description (organization type, background, revenue sources, current operations)
  • Project description (narrative, map, conceptual plan and design, land entitlements at project location, description of any known environmental issues)
  • Cost estimate and budget
  • Project funding sources (IWRB grant, other state and federal grants, sponsor’s contribution)
  • Project implementation schedule

For more information, send an email.

From an Idaho Water Resource Board news release