Items Tagged with 'crude protein'
Grazing crop residue in the fall and winter can be an affordable, nutritious method for keeping cows healthy leading up to calving, but special considerations should be made.
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Managing beef cattle to get the best use of fall/winter forage
Low-quality forages can be a limiting factor in keeping cows in proper condition for calving, lactation and rebreeding, but there are tools available to maintain reproductive health and efficiency.
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How do moisture and composition affect feedstuff costs?
Nutrient composition and dry matter content should be taken into account when evaluating the value of different feeds.
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Use and effects of rumen-protected amino acids
There is still much to be learned about the effects rumen-protected amino acids can have in both the feedlot and cow-calf sectors, but early signs point to improved feed efficiency, milk production and reproductive health.
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Factors impacting forage quality for grazing beef cattle
As the seasons progress, the nutrient content of grazing forages evolves. Understanding what is going on in those plants can help you provide your cattle with the highest plane of nutrition possible throughout the year.
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Unlock cows’ full potential through consistency
Taking small steps like monitoring mixed accuracy, evaluating tolerance limits and maintaining an appropriate sampling schedule on-farm can help improve feed consistency.
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