Following the announcement of the new United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade agreement, Canadian dairy farmers have been understandably upset, but the unexpected groundswell of support from Canadian consumers across the country helped alleviate the concerns.

In the weeks following the announcement, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) and provincial dairy organizations have seen a significant increase in the number of calls and emails of consumers who want to support Canadian dairy farmers and ensure they are buying Canadian dairy products.

The DFC logos have been shared widely on social media, and several profile picture filters on Facebook have been created to further demonstrate support.

Dairy farmers across Canada have been doing a great job of garnering support and being active on social media.

Ryan Wert from Ontario started a milk challenge, similar to the “Ice Bucket Challenge” of years past, with dairy farmers in their barns encouraging everyone to look for the aforementioned logos before drinking a glass of milk themselves.


Bruce Sargent, also from Ontario, started a petition titled “Canadian Consumers Support Canadian Dairy Farmers” which, at the time of writing, has received more than 6,100 signatures.

Marianne Parvais from Manitoba asked her local grocery store to help promote Canadian dairy products, resulting in the store printing out an infographic of the DFC logos, which is now displayed in the dairy case.

Canadian dairy farmers can be proud of their work and Canadian consumers clearly stand behind them. Let’s continue the conversation.  end mark

Founded in 1934, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national organization which defends the interests of Canadian dairy farmers and strives to create favourable conditions for the Canadian dairy industry. Working in accordance with supply management principles, DFC promotes safe, high quality, sustainable and nutritious Canadian dairy products made from 100% Canadian milk through various marketing, nutrition, policy and lobbying initiatives. Driven by a strong sense of community and pride, DFC and Canadian dairy farmers actively support a number of local and national activities. Visit for more information.