“With your help, we have carried out a range of awareness and education activities,” Lampron said. “We held the government to account on compensation for CETA and CPTPP, and we defended private bills related to trade deals and trespassing on farms.”

Lampron also noted the challenges dairy faces in reaching consumers, people with whom the dairy industry once had a privileged relationship.

“Many of their decisions are based on their value system, and as such, they want to know dairy farmers share a common interest in protecting the planet for future generations. The good news is: We have a good story to tell, and we are doing that now, thanks to our Blue Cow campaigns, which inform the public about issues such as agricultural practices or the commitments of the proAction module.”

Lampron noted how, in the last year-and-a-half, DFC turned challenges into opportunities, including promoting dairy products for home cooking when restaurants were closed and leveraging the “Buy Canadian” sentiment during COVID-19 and CUSMA. The Blue Cow is now featured on the packaging of more than 8,600 products, including with major restaurant chains like Tim Hortons and Pizza Pizza.

While acknowledging that dairy farmers would have preferred no concessions under CETA and CPTPP, Lampron noted compensation formalized by the government last November to be delivered over a shortened time frame of three years instead of eight gives farmers a measure of predictability. He promised to continue holding “feet to the fire” to ensure there are no further concessions in future trade agreements.


Lampron concluded with an overview of how DFC has an “integrated, organization-wide partnership strategy,” focusing on our commitment to sustainability. To this end, he announced the investment of $100,000 to plant 25,000 trees as part of Tree Canada’s National Greening Program.

“There is much to celebrate over the past year,” Lampron said. “As your president, my hat goes off to all of you for your resilience as our communities across the country dealt with the pandemic.”

Lampron re-elected as president

Dairy farmers re-elected Lampron to a third term as president of DFC at the AGM. Lampron is a sixth-generation dairy farmer and a uniting voice of dairy farmers across Canada.

“I would like to thank dairy farmers for putting their trust in me once again,” Lampron said. “It has been an honour and a privilege to serve as president of DFC’s board for the last four years, and I look forward to continuing this important work on behalf of dairy farmers in my final term.”

Lampron was first elected to the board of directors of the Producteurs de lait du Québec in 2000 and was initially appointed to DFC’s board in 2007. Lampron believes that by working together, dairy farmers can be more successful in reaching their goals and advancing their cause.

“I want to recognize my colleague Bonnie Den Haan for her campaign,” added Lampron. “All those who commit to representing the interests of our dairy farmers at the regional, provincial or national levels deserve our gratitude.”

Lampron will be surrounded on DFC’s board by an impressive, knowledgeable and experienced group of dairy sector leaders.

DFC wishes to thank outgoing board members Bart Rijke, Ontario; and Ed Friesen, Lactanet; and welcome new members Mark Hamel, Ontario; and Korb Whale, Lactanet. end mark

Founded in 1934, Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national organization which defends the interests of Canadian dairy farmers and strives to create favourable conditions for the Canadian dairy industry. Working in accordance with supply management principles, DFC promotes safe, high quality, sustainable and nutritious Canadian dairy products made from 100% Canadian milk through various marketing, nutrition, policy and lobbying initiatives. Driven by a strong sense of community and pride, DFC and Canadian dairy farmers actively support a number of local and national activities. Visit Dairy Farmers of Canada for more information.