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Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is proud to be the national, united voice of Canadian dairy farmers. We strive to defend and promote the hard work that goes into creating some of the best milk in the world, and we are pleased to celebrate these shared wins with you this fall.

Dairy Innovation and Investment Fund to help maximize the full value of Canadian dairy

Growing demand for butterfat products such as cream and butter has created a surplus of solids non-fat (SNF) in the dairy value chain, outpacing the industry’s processing capacity. That’s why DFC welcomed the Canadian government’s creation of a Dairy Innovation and Investment Fund (DIIF), promising up to $333 million over 10 years in support of research and development for new SNF products. This new fund, which was announced in September, aims to help medium to large-scale projects modernize, replace and/or increase processing capacity.

The DIIF, through non-repayable contributions to processors, should help alleviate challenges along the supply chain, make it easier to manage SNF and allow Canada to reach enough processing capacity to maximize the value of its milk. DFC supported the request to address this gap in dairy processing facilities. The Canadian Dairy Commission will deliver the funding on behalf of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; the two-step process is now open.

DFC's latest ad campaign shines light on biodiversity

DFC’s new fall ad campaign builds upon our sustainability storytelling by highlighting tangible steps dairy producers take to promote and enhance biodiversity on their farms. These steps include planting trees to purify the air, preserving wildflowers for pollinators, and nurturing wetlands for wildlife.


Launched Oct. 23, the campaign aims to help young millennials and Gen Z understand how dairy farmers protect biodiversity. Alongside a televised campaign, DFC has leveraged the popular trend of “lie detector” interviews on social media. In these digital ads, two young dairy farmers pass a polygraph test answering questions about dairy farming in Canada and what they do on their farms as they work toward DFC’s net-zero objective.

This new advertising campaign will continue to bring meaning to the Blue Cow Quality Milk logo and build confidence in Canadian dairy.

Big wins for Canadian dairy farmers at the World Dairy Summit

DFC was recently honoured at the International Dairy Federation (IDF) Dairy Innovation Awards as part of the World Dairy Summit in Chicago, Illinois.

Our “Net Zero by 2050 – We’re In” campaign won in IDF’s Innovation in Marketing & Communication Initiative Building Dairy category. As well, DFC’s new digital “cow influencer,” "Daisy and her Mini-Games" was also a finalist in the same category.

The two campaigns recognized at the IDF Dairy Innovation Awards centre on how Canada’s dairy farmers are committed to sustainability. Through the “We’re In” campaign, DFC highlighted new, innovative practices that showed Canadians some of the ways our industry is dedicated to a greener future. “Daisy and her Mini-Games” helps reach younger consumers in particular through a fun digital platform that engages while it informs.

Congratulations also go to Lactanet and Semex, who won in the Innovation in Climate Action category for developing the world’s first official genetic evaluation to decrease methane emissions in dairy cattle – a project that received funding from DFC.

As the dairy sector works together toward net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, we know the important role research and innovation play along our shared path. That’s why we are proud to contribute funding for this project, in collaboration with other engaged partners, to help demonstrate the accuracy of predicting individual animal methane emissions.

DFC thanks the IDF Dairy Innovation Awards for recognizing the continuous efforts of dairy farmers in striving for a more sustainable future for everyone!

Save the date for DFC’s 2024 annual policy conference

Mark your calendars: DFC's annual policy conference is scheduled for Feb. 5-8, 2024. The theme is: Building a Robust and Modern Canadian Dairy Industry for the Future. In-person events will take place at the Fairmont Château Laurier in Ottawa; livestreaming will be available online for those unable to attend. Registration opens soon – visit DFC's website for updates.

Dairy Farmers of Canada (DFC) is the national policy, lobbying and promotional organization representing Canadian dairy producers. DFC strives to create stable conditions for the dairy sector in our country. It also seeks to maintain policies that promote the sustainability of Canadian dairy production and promote dairy products and their health benefits.