Darigold Inc. will close Salt Lake City milk production plant Cream o’Weber on July 31, eliminating 96 positions. The Cream o’Weber brand will now be produced in Boise and its milk products will continue to be sold in Utah stores. “The plant closure was an extremely difficult decision that came only after careful review of the significant losses from the past year and losses we anticipated in the future,” said Darigold communications coordinator Michelle Carter.

The closure does not affect any other Darigold plants, she said.

Cream o’Weber was founded in 1924 but was purchased in November 2010. The Salt Lake plant produces pasteurized milk products.

Darigold is the third owner/operator of the Utah facility in the past five years. Carter told the Deseret News that the plant was not profitable during that time.

Larry Lewis, spokesman for the Utah Division of Agriculture and Food, said that milk makes up 22 percent of the state's $1.4 billion annual agriculture revenue. PD


—From Deseret News (Click here to read the full article.)