Selecting the proper lighting for your barn
Recommendations provided for lighting intensity, lighting types and dimming the lights at night, as well as a reminder to properly ground fixtures to prevent stray voltage.
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7 ways to improve energy efficiency in your dairy barn
Energy-efficient motors, milk cooling technology with good performance-to-energy-consumption ratios, natural lighting, LED lighting, sensors to more precisely manage energy usage, regular maintenance and considering alternative energy sources can lower energy costs while improving efficiency.
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Heifers and long-day lighting: What we know so far
Long-day lighting recommendations for heifers are the same as lactating cows: 16-18 hours of light and 6-8 hours of darkness in the barn.
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The ‘now and then’ of long-day lighting
An overview of the ROI, benefits and challenges of using long-day lighting in barns.
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Increase early lactation milk production with short-day lighting during the dry period
Utilizing short-day lighting in barns housing dry cows for the entire 60-day dry period may positively impact milk production during the upcoming lactation.
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What are the 6 freedoms of a cow?
Focusing on the six freedoms of a cow proves to be beneficial for increasing your dairy’s return on investment (ROI).
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