Are you looking to improve your dairy herd profitability? A new program developed by University of Wisconsin-Extension and UW-Madison researchers is designed to increase farm income by enhancing the reproductive performance of a producer’s cows. Repro Money is team-based and farmer-directed with reproduction at the center of the program, according to Connie Cordoba, UW-Extension reproductive management specialist. Producers receive the resources and tools needed to make better management decisions regarding the reproductive management of their farm.
She added, “The program helps producers focus on their individual farm goals. Those goals drive the actions taken by the producer’s farm team.”
On-farm teams are formed to focus specifically on issues related to increasing farm income by enhancing the reproductive performance of cows. Farm owners decide who to have on their reproduction team.
Team members can include UW-Extension agents, AI company consultants, AI technicians, veterinarians, nutritionists, key employees and others. Team members commit to meeting at least four times over the course of the program.
“Success comes from working with your team,” said Cordoba. “The viewpoints of each member provide the opportunity to focus on issues related to reproduction from many perspectives.”
At the beginning of the program, the team will assess their current practices, determine their priorities, and calculate the economic benefit of improving the herd’s reproductive performance and assign specific tasks for people to carry out.
With clearly defined goals and expectations, team members have a better understanding of the importance of improving reproductive performance and also their individual role and contribution to making that happen.
At subsequent meetings, the team members evaluate progress and make adjustments as needed.
For more information about Repro Money or to enroll in the program, contact your local UW-Extension agent. PD
—From UW-Extension news release