The following is intended to assist you with the planning and design of a robotic milking facility by providing you with features we have found to work well.
Click here to view the image above at full size in a new window. (PDF, 3.9MB)
A successful robotic milking operation requires sound farm and herd management practices by dairy producers who are willing to work with technology and manage change effectively. You are encouraged to work with a qualified architect and/or contractor in consultation with your veterinarian when designing your robotic milking facility.
Voluntary robotic milking is an exciting proposition when considering the benefits, but can fall short of expectations if the facility is not properly planned. Like any building needs a strong and organized structure, planning a robotic milking facility requires a decision-making framework that is fundamental to a proper functioning design. Every decision must be tested against the following five factors:
- Cow comfort
- Cow flow
- Flexibility
- Expandability
- Sustainability
The illustration below will take you on a tour of a robotic milking facility showing many typical features along with design guidelines so dairy operators can position themselves for success. PD
Go to DeLaval's website to take a virtual tour of an actual robotic farm. It includes automatic milking and feeding.

Jeff Prashaw
- Automatic Milking Architect, SCNA
- DeLaval Inc.
- Email Jeff Prashaw