The Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council (DCRC) has planned the 2014 Reproduction Awards program, which recognizes outstanding dairy operations for reproductive efficiency and well-implemented management procedures. Nominations are now being accepted for the 2014 program.

Dairy operations must be nominated by professionals who serve the dairy industry, such as veterinarians, genetic and pharmaceutical company representatives, DHIA field personnel or extension specialists. Nomination forms must be completed online and are due by April 15.

Judges will review applications and select the top herds, which will be asked to provide additional information about their operation. This information will help the judges select Platinum, Gold, Silver and Honorable Mention winners. Award recipients will be honored at the 2014 DCRC Annual Meeting Nov. 13-14 in Salt Lake City.

Visit the website to learn more or to nominate a herd. PD


—From Dairy Cattle Reproduction Council news release