And just like that, it’s 2013. It’s early in the year, so I figured now’s a good time to ask the question: How’s your New Year’s resolution/to-do list going? Have you even started? Of all the bad habits we can get caught up in, procrastination has to be one of the worst. Well, actually, smoking crack is probably a lot worse than avoiding the dentist or that pile of work on your desk.

Wall tom
Dairy Coach / Dairy Interactive, LLC

But assuming you’re not flirting with a drug addiction, your “procrastination problem” is most likely holding you back from accomplishing a lot of important things that you know you should be doing.

Maybe it’s something at work. Maybe it’s a project at home. Or maybe it includes going to the gym instead of the Chinese buffet. Whatever it is that you know you should have already started, if you choose to keep putting it off, it doesn’t get done and nothing changes.

But let’s face it – you already knew that, right?

So why do you continue to drag your feet? What’s stopping you from doing what you want and need to do?


Are you physically or mentally lazy? Sure, maybe some days you are.

Or are you so comfortable with your current success that you’ve grown complacent? It turns out that’s actually pretty common.

Are you “too busy” doing all the other tasks that you like to do, and you just don’t have time to do all the things you don’t want to do? Yeah, you’re in good company.

Or are you afraid of starting something because then you’ll feel pressured to actually finish it? It seems that “not starting” is a lot safer than actually “doing something” and possibly failing. I know this might sound crazy, but it turns out that a lot of people are actually more afraid of succeeding than they are of failing.

“How is that even possible?” you ask. You see, when you do something truly worthwhile and finally reach your previously untapped potential, you prove to yourself that you’re truly capable of achieving more than ever before and transforming into someone you only dreamed of becoming. That can be scary. Now, your “new self” has to re-set the bar at a higher level and operate from this place on a regular basis.

Regardless of what you’re avoiding and why you’re avoiding it, it’s not going away and it won’t get done on its own. Ultimately, it’s not about having time, it’s about making time.

But again, you already know all of this. So what are you waiting for? Do the work. PD


Tom Wall
Dairy Interactive, LLC