The Kentucky Dairy Partners Meeting was held March 2-3 in Cave City, Kentucky. About 230 people, 86 of which are dairy farmers, attended the meeting, which is a collaborative effort among the Kentucky Dairy Development Council, Kentucky ADA/SUDIA, Kentucky Department of Agriculture and University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service.

Producers could visit 36 exhibit booths to learn the latest in new technologies and research from many dairy farm industry representatives.


Chuck Cruickshank from DMI updated the group on the new FARM program to help dairy producers take a look at their animal well being and help them learn how to use the best management practices for their farm.

Dr. Mike Hutjens from the University of Illinois reviewed dairy cattle nutrition and gave producers some tips to think about when cutting cost in feed, which can cause long-term effects to milk production.

Dr. A. Jack McAllister from the University of Kentucky discussed the University of Kentucky Dairy Extension programs and the future of the dairy industry in Kentucky.


Three farmers led a discussion panel, and each of those farmers shared some insight into their operations which were very different in size, production level, and marketing strategies. Tennesse dairyman John Harrison discussed his cheese making operation , while Mark Rauscher of Indiana talked about his sales of breeding stock (embryos and bulls). Stewart Jones discussed their use of family in his Kentucky dairy operation and how they have been able to grow by minimizing labor costs.

Photos and information provided by Larissa Tucker, senior extension associate with the University of Kentucky.

BELOW : Photos from the 2nd Annual Kentucky Dairy Partners Meeting, held March 3, 2009 .

