Hannah Canon, Hannah Noel Photography, Hanover, Pennsylvania
Website: Hannah Noel Photography
Facebook: Hannah Noel Photography
Instagram: hannahnoelphotography
How did you get started in photography?
CANON: I have always loved taking pictures, but I was limited to the use of my cellphone for many years. My family and friends were always teasing me for constantly having my phone out and taking photos of everything around me. In the spring of 2019, I decided to take the plunge and purchase my first DSLR camera. I had no idea how to use a real camera in manual mode, so I watched countless YouTube tutorials, read dozens of photography blogs and started practicing by taking hundreds of pictures of my dog. At the time, I had no idea my new hobby would blossom into the business it has become.
What is your favorite type of photo to shoot?
CANON: Agricultural lifestyle photography is definitely my passion. Whether it involves cows, horses, pigs or sheep, there is just something so special about capturing moments between people and their beloved animals. Chasing a sunset in a field full of cattle, with my camera in hand, is where I am happiest.

Describe your most memorable photo shoot.
CANON: Choosing my most memorable photo shoot is a really difficult task, simply because I have met so many incredible people and visited so many beautiful farms. However, I would have to say that my time at Daily Crisis Farm in White Hall, Maryland, has been my favorite. Daily Crisis Farm is a small, family-operated dairy, nestled on a narrow back road in picturesque farmland. They were the first dairy to take a chance on my photography, and I owe a lot of my success to the Vaughan family.

The first time I drove down their gravel driveway and saw beautiful cows standing in lush grass on either side of me, I knew I was somewhere special. Their quaint little farm store operates on the honor system for the locals who come to purchase cheese, butter, eggs, jams and other farm-fresh goodies. They attend local farmers markets and even ship their cheese as far away as Alaska. My favorite part of their farm is that they use several different breeds of dairy cows, and they embrace the diversity of their herd. The family has invited me back several times now, and each visit is better than the last.
Why do you enjoy farm-related photography?
CANON: I want to put a spotlight on the family farms that are working so hard for the rest of us, day in and day out. I love pulling my rubber boots on, touring a new barn and meeting the “favorite” cows. I have been fortunate enough to take photos at eight different dairy farms in the past year, and I learn something new each time I visit one. The people and animals that keep these farms running are so special to me and deserve more recognition than they typically receive. If my photography can highlight the dairy industry in a beautiful and positive way, then I feel like I am doing something good in the world.

What are one or two tips you would give to an amateur photographer who wants to take a great picture of people or animals?
CANON: My first tip for anyone wanting to become a better photographer is to simply practice. Whether you have a smartphone, a pocket-sized camera or a DSLR, you will only get better with practice. Taking pictures of everything around you at various times of the day will teach you about angles, lighting and positioning your subjects. Secondly, you have to be willing to take advantage of all the available resources. We have endless amounts of education at our fingertips thanks to the internet, so don’t be afraid to read the information other professionals have been generous enough to publish.