We are back at the Real Science Exchange and coming to you from the World Dairy Expo 2021. We invite you to pull up a chair and join us to discuss the future of the dairy industry with three dairymen who have made their mark, not only in the show ring but on the entire industry.  We have gathered three dairymen to discuss how the industry is changing and what recommendations they have for future generations. 


Jonathan Lamb, Oakfield Corners Dairy and Lamb Farms

Pat Maddox, RuAnn Genetics and Maddox Dairy

Jim Ostrom, MilkSource


Season 3, Episode 42



Here is a breadown of the episode:

  • Jim Ostrom kicks it off with how he got started showing dairy cattle. 3:41 
  • Pat Maddox outlines the genetics business for their dairy.  5:40
  • Jonathan Lamb discusses how show ring traits translate to the commercial side of the business. 9:30
  • Jim Ostrom talks about how important culture is for all aspects of the business, especially when expanding. 17:30 
  • Each producers closes this portion of the episode by giving advice to new dairy producers coming in to the business 19:12


To hear the full episode, visit Balchem.com or search for “Real Science Exchange” on your favorite podcast platform. In the complete episode you’ll hear more from both researchers including their insights on cow longevity in the herd and how stress can change the length of the cows’ time in the herd; what happens if lactating cows are under stress for even a week and how heat stress can cause acceleration of the maturation process for gestation timing.


This episode is sponsored by Balchem Animal Nutrition and Health.

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