Cow Cooling
Israeli dairy producers keep cows cool by ensuring each cow has enough space, utilizing a “cooling cycle,” creating a cooling shed on the farm and paying attention to where on the farm cows can become overheated.
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Going from good to great with fans
Air speed, air exchange, climate conditions, automation and taking into account the needs of the animals housed in the barn are five key considerations when adding fans to dairy barns.
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Cool your cows from the inside out
The negative effects of heat stress on cows are wide-ranging, but reproduction effects alone can have a significant impact on a dairy.
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Heat stress and the often-forgotten heifers
In addition to providing adequate drinking water and shade, evaporative cooling can be an effective heat abatement strategy for cows and heifers on pasture.
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Does your ventilation system work?
Observing cow behavior, mapping air speed, looking for any issues with fan placement or maintenance and fogging sections of the barn are some of the ways to check the effectiveness of the barn’s ventilation system.
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Heat stress and essential nutrients for rumen microbes
By feeding the rumen microbiome, you can protect your herd from heat stress and maintain better body condition for a successful, more profitable lactation period.
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Strategies to overcome heat stress
Understanding heat stress, preparing for it and looking at options to alleviate it will help keep production steady this summer.
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One of the most essential areas to keep your cows cool
Strategies for cooling cows in the holding pen, including design considerations, airflow and evaporative cooling.
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Minimizing the impact of heat stress and what it means for dry cows
Learn the health and economic impacts of heat stress on dry cows and calves born to heat-stressed dams.
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