Milk Quality
Careful monitoring of the milking parlor, cow traffic areas, freestall management, teat disinfectant, teat skin health, vaccinations and nutrition can aid in fighting against Klebsiella mastitis.
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Addressing parlor challenges: A three-legged stool for success
Managing people, equipment and cows determine the productivity and efficiency of your parlor.
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Milk quality in the bulk tank: What do all the numbers mean?
Identifying the different types of bulk tank quality tests will aid in diagnosing the source of high counts. A quantitative test can determine the number of bacteria in a bulk tank, while a qualitative test can determine the type of bacteria present.
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The power of pathogen-based mastitis treatment
Identifying the type of mastitis pathogen plaguing your cows is the first step in creating a healthier herd. Understanding the infection and creating a plan for your team is imperative to reducing mastitis flare-ups.
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Using automation and data to catch mastitis early
Mastitis is a common condition which, when undetected or addressed too late, can have a significant impact on herd health and a dairy’s bottom line. Increasingly, automated milking systems offer producers an advantage in detecting even subclinical cases of mastitis before they become clinical and spread to the herd.
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How genomic testing can help lower somatic cell count and increase profit
Genetics can influence milk quality, but animal husbandry can really drive productivity in the parlor.
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A somatic cell count of 200,000: Is it the new abnormal?
Somatic cell count (SCC) standards have changed drastically in the past 40 years. Managing a thorough milking routine, cow's environment and milking equipment can aid in lowering your herd's SCC – pushing the standards further.
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