The following blog was written by David Ladd of RDL & Associates, LLC, which aims to assist clients in seeking solutions to issues impacting agriculture and the rural economy. Learn more at I have been in and around politics for the better part of two decades but a father for less than two years. In that short time, there has not been a day gone by when I have not felt as though I have failed my son as a parent – that I have done enough to alleviate the crushing debt being heaped upon his generation and those yet to be born.
In a broad sense, what both parties are doing regarding our fiscal situation is both immoral and unconscionable. I know the political game well and have seen it from the inside for a very long time.
As such, I know as much as anyone in the business about strategy, messaging and how to navigate political and policy minefields. I expect I’ll take some heat from my friends for this posting but that won’t bother me in the least. What we are doing is wrong and we must stop going down the path on which we are traveling.
As it now stands, the voters are equally to blame for the fiscal landscape. While we talk a good game about the “need to rein in spending” our actions often tell a different story. Over the past year or so we have witnessed a renewed focus tackling the national debt, but when it comes to the difficult work of dealing with entitlement reform there appears to be no room for courage – political or otherwise.
Why should we expect our elected officials to show backbone in presenting innovative and out-of-the-box solutions when we, the electorate, have an “anyone but me” attitude?
Until the electorate, candidates and policymakers get serious about dealing with entitlements; Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, defense and interest on the national debt we are only nibbling around the edges.
Although there are always areas where discretionary spending can be reduced, it means nothing if we as a country don’t grow up and tackle the crumbling foundations upon which our fiscal imbalance has been built.
To my young son, I am truly sorry what we are doing to you and your generation. You don’t owe us a thing.
We, on the other hand, owe you a responsible approach to a seemingly impossible situation. However, there are no unbeatable odds.
The daunting challenge before us is not about individual agendas or political gamesmanship. My generation needs to do more than talk a good game. We have to stand up, make the difficult decisions and stop mortgaging our children and grandchildren’s future. PD
Click here for the blog post.