Spring is coming. Well, we hope it is, but as I’m writing this, we are supposed to get snow today – again. I keep telling myself the warmer weather is coming. But once the warmer weather is here, we get busy. Fieldwork starts; all of those extra good weather jobs get added to the to-do list; and farm visits begin.
Yes, that’s right. I said farm visits. Promoting dairy and doing your part to educate our customers doesn’t have to be hard or complicated. You don’t have to do it constantly either. There are so many options to share how amazing dairy farms are. With the state of our industry, we should all be trying to do our part. Today, I have five tips to help you promote dairy and dairy farming.
1. Volunteer
This seems too easy, but people always balk at it. I’m not saying you always have to invite people on your farm. There are a lot of instances when I actually send groups to other farms because they can see more of what they want. I am not afraid to show up and volunteer for an event. You don’t have to volunteer at everything either! It’s OK to say no, but don’t say no all the time.
2. Use grants
I’m not sure how each state or region works, but in Michigan our promotion program has a grant that each farm gets. I know milk prices stink, and even if you host an event, you don’t have to pay for it all out of your pocket! Use what you have available to you.
3. Ask for help
If you say yes to hosting a tour or an event, you don’t have to do it yourself. I have asked my nutritionist, breeder, harvesters and anyone we work with to help with these things. I have yet to be told no just because they didn’t feel like it. You might be the point person, but you don’t have to take it on yourself.
4. Look for unique opportunities
Yearly I help our county health department with a children health fair. It’s the easiest event I do. I apply for the grant to pay for cheese and yogurt. I go buy it and I drop it off at the health department. They put together a booth with all types of information and the dairy products. They use their expertise as health care workers and spread the word of adding dairy into your diet.
5. Share your passion
Here is the most basic part of this: When you share something you’re passionate about, people believe you and trust you. Sharing the message of dairy with our customers personally makes them feel good about supporting you.
Enjoy your spring, and don’t forget to plan a day to share your passion!

Ashley Messing-Kennedy
- Dairy Producer
- Bad Axe, Michigan
- Email Ashley Messing-Kennedy